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Factors influencing consumer choices and food safety awareness in street-vended foods: A case study of Meru town, Kenya

Johnson Kyalo Mwove 1 * , Joy Deborah Orwa 2 , Joyce Wangui Njoki 3 , Francis Gichuho Irungu 4 , Fredrick Gatobu Kiruki 5

  • 1. Department of Food Technology, Chuka University, P. O. Box 109-60400, Chuka, Kenya
  • 2. Department of Food Technology, Chuka University, P. O. Box 109-60400, Chuka, Kenya
  • 3. Department of Food Technology, Chuka University, P. O. Box 109-60400, Chuka, Kenya
  • 4. Department of Food Technology, Chuka University, P. O. Box 109-60400, Chuka, Kenya
  • 5. Department of Food Technology, Chuka University, P. O. Box 109-60400, Chuka, Kenya



  • Received

    26 March 2024

  • Revised

    20 May 2024

  • Accepted

    28 May 2024

  • Published

    03 June 2024

Street food consumers Food choice Public health Consumer attitudes Food safety Food-borne diseases

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How to Cite

Mwove, J. K., Orwa, J. D., Njoki, J. W., Irungu, F. G., & Kiruki, F. G. (2024). Factors influencing consumer choices and food safety awareness in street-vended foods: A case study of Meru town, Kenya. Journal of Food, Nutrition and Diet Science, 2(1), 94–106.

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