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The influence of two decision-making styles on stress perception in military nursing students during clinical practice

Sergio Héctor Azzara 1 , Aldana Sol Grinhauz 2 *

  • 1. National Defense University, Army Faculty, Military College, Argentina
  • 2. National Defense University, Army Faculty, Military College, Argentina



  • Received

    20 December 2023

  • Revised

    08 April 2024

  • Accepted

    10 April 2024

  • Published

    23 May 2024

Emotional decision making Rational decision making Stress perception Military nursing

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How to Cite

Azzara, S. H. ., & Sol Grinhauz, A. (2024). The influence of two decision-making styles on stress perception in military nursing students during clinical practice. Decision Making and Analysis, 2(1), 33–40.

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